Friday, November 5, 2010

About Time!

Wow, I cannot belive it has been almost 3 months since I last popped in here! Life has been hectic to say the least, and I have hardly touched ground ... things have been good & bad! Last time I blogged I told you about the matric reunion ... what an amazing success and an experience I think everyone of us will have burned into memory forever! Old friends seeing each other again for the first time in 42 years, was amazing! No silent moments, just happy faces, huggs and handshakes, as if we had only left school a month ago! It was wonderful, and well worth the year's work and effort to bring it all together. Many friends were found ... and in all 31 of the students attended. All in all with spouses, we hit 42 in total. We were blessed with a lovely sunny day, which matched the spirits of everyone. Our head girl, flew over from Oxford in the UK to South Africa to attend ... wow! I gave each one a printed book of their life histories since the day they left school, as well as it all in power point presentations on a CD. They also each received a DVD photo story with all old photos of our school, hometown, friends and teachers.

About a week after the reunion, my father landed up with Shingles, absolutely the worst case .... I am still trying to nurse him back to health. Shame at 82 it is difficult to experience this and most uncomfortable. I understand that the pain is excruciating, but my dad, like he is, does not complain, yet I see it in his eyes!

My mother is doing a lot better, and getting stronger each day! She can now walk small distances without the walker, much to my dismay, as I panic every time, that she may fall. But I have to let go, she needs her independance.

This has been a really busy time for me! Stress levels have been high and at times I want to stop the world and get off! Can I??? I wish! However, life is what we make of it, so I close my eyes and carry on.

In September, my husband Danie, and my two girls, Natasha & Evonne, along with my brother in law Noel, arranged a surprise party for my sister Marion & myself for our birthdays! Oh what a great event it was ...! My two daughters arranged the venue so tastefully in red and black! I turned 60 on the 22nd of September and my sister turned 50 on the 18th. We had both hit a great milestone, and the family decided it had to be celebrated in style! Hahaha my daughters even arranged two male "strippers" for us ... however the only thing they did was rip their shirts off .. much to my surprise it was my two grandsons, but it was hillarious and we had a great great time - go check out the album on FaceBook .......

Here on the farm, we need rain ..... a good downpour. The air is humid, hot and each day as the clouds gather we wait in anticipation, but it passes over and time is running out to prepare lands for the crops! Being a farmer, I have found, is most definitely not for the weak hearted .. being a farmer's wife is only for those women who can encourage their men, when the going gets tough!

Until, I get back here again .. hopefully soon, take care and God Bless!
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