I opened a website with all the various creations I have done this year. I have had so much fun, that I want to start a blog as well - Yeah yeah I can already hear what you are thinking - another Blog and she cannot even keep this one up to date hahahaha. In for a penny, in for a pound - hope I can get back to my blogs more often!
As I said this year has been extremely busy and my mother in law of 95 has now come to live with us! I can only hope that if I ever reach such a ripe old age that my mind would still be as alert as hers! She reads two to three books a day - on her kindle, can operate a cell phone, knows how to work the DSTV remote, plays Rummy Cup and is a whizz at building puzzles!
My eldest grandson started working this year, my second eldest finished High School and is on his way to University. He has played sevens rugby in Mauritius this year and is highly sought after for his rugby. Was captain of the first team at the school that bought him! Now his brother has been bought by the same school also for rugby and because he is a great academic student - hardly learns and then comes with a report card in the 90%. My one and only granddaughter turns eighteen in a few days time ............. something tells me I am getting old!!!!
It has also been busy on the farm, peaches are harvested, maize is planted, tomatoes are coming into harvest and soon the planting of cabbages will begin!
Well the clock in running out and in exactly four hours and ten minutes 2013 will be done and dusted and we enter another new year. May our Father make His face to shine upon each one of you, make your paths straight, heal broken lives and hearts, bring loved ones together again. May He fill your cupboards and pockets, but above all may you find peace, joy and love! May 2014 be blessed for you all!