The farm was like an oasis in the desert, so different from the stress and strain of work in the city. Waking in the morning to fresh air, birds singing and blissful calm - now this I could get used to for sure.

Danie and I drove all over the farm on his quad bike. Down the long rows of peach trees laden with fruit tinged in pink and gold. Lush green foliage lined the rows in the ten thousand tree orchard. We picked and ate of the sweet fruit as the quad bike bumped past. In the distance lands, proudly sprawled with various crops - red, green and yellow peppers, hubbard squashes, pumpkins, butternuts, sweet potatoes, and hectares of tomato lands lay basking in rays of sunshine. What a sight! I realised, that beside the beauty of it all, lay many months of hard work and planning, planting, fertilising and watering in order to grow a crop worth harvesting.
I pondered as Danie drove me around, thinking how our relationships with God, so resembled the work on the

The question is - Is He well pleased with our lives? Only we ourselves have the answer to this important question.
So true, although at the moment I feel like I'm a mielie stalk going through the threshing mill.