It is Easter! Walk into any shop, and the shelves are dressed out in shiny chocolate bunnies & bright coloured Easter eggs. It is a long weekend, and many sigh a great relief at the thought of a quick getaway for a few days, albeit a short one. Children squeal with laughter at the thought of the Easter Egg Hunt they will embark on over the weekend.
Highways are jammed, as families rush out of the cities for a long needed break. T

his is the one public holiday of the year, in which many people loose their lives on the road. Thousands of buses, taxis, trucks and motor cars, take the journey to Polokwane in the Limpopo Province, where the Zionists have their annual Easter Conference. I hear this year is their hundredth anniversary, so it should be a major event. Metropolitan traffic police are on high alert, and the news media warns that they will show no mercy to those who break the law, in speeding and drunken driving.
Amid all the turmoil, and rushing to and fro, I stop, and think, and wonder … how many of us remember what this time is really all about?

The One who should be remembered, honoured and praised is pushed aside, made an outsider while mankind indulges in his own selfish pleasures.
This is the time to remember, our Lord and Saviour, who willingly gave His life, to die on a cross that we, may be saved. This is the time, to be thankful that Salvation is free to us, that we can have the gift of everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
This is the ti

me, to remember that through His death, and resurrection, we have life eternal! This is the time to remember His unconditional love For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on him should not perish but have everlasting life.
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