At last ... or should I say "about time!" I have been trying to get back to this space since my last blog, but circumstances have stolen so much of my time, and left me feeling so guilty, but hey, here I am again. I last blogged on my mother's awful time in hospital and am happy to say that she is well and gaining her strength once more. It was hard in the beginning, and trying to find a happy medium between nursing her and arranging my own life, was at times quite a mission.
Each day I prayed for wisdom, strength and above all patience. In the three months that she has been at home, she has astounded doctors with the progress she has made. Having had severe kidney failure, the physician did not expect her to live. At times it was touch and go, but prayer changes things. With her last visit to the doctors, they said, that they had expected her kidneys to stabilise at a stage, but never ever revert to their former health. Well, I am pleased to say they have much to the doctor's surprise!
In the beginning, I had to do everything for my mother. Now, she walks around well with her walker. The only thing I still do for her is bath her, and I cook the food. Other to that she is up and about and doing her own things again. She has lost a lot of weight since all this happened, and she is thrilled about it, as she has for so long tried to shed those extra kilos!
What can I say? I come from good genes, mom is one tough woman. But then, one must remember, that having been in an orphanage from the tender age of eight up until sixteen, she has that strong inbred will to survive. I am thankful, for every prayer and for the extra time we have been given by the grace of our Lord. It could have been so different .... she has changed since all this happened. I find a softer look in her eyes and her voice. Life is precious and we need to take time to enjoy our parents as they age, before it is too late.
I am so glad to hear that your mum is so much better.... and just think, there are people out there who do not believe that God heals his people!