I turned my head, and gazed into those striking blue green eyes that always had a sparkle in them. Danie was smiling, with so much expectation, and I could clearly see he was dead serious. Mind racing, sudden fear gripped my heart - Should I? Could I? What if? - I had prayed so hard for God to choose the right man for me, as my choices had not been good, and all I had was a heap of ashes. I wondered, "Is this the man, Lord? Is Danie Your choice for me?" From far away I head my voice cry out in anticipation - "Yes, why not?" Like two kids on a merry go round, we held tightly onto each other, our feet shuffling in a frenzy amongst the crowds, and headed for the jewelry store.
We stopped in front of the jewelry store window, and gazed in awe at the shining stones, as the lights that shone upon them, bounced off like sparks. In we went, to view the entire range. Ring after ring was placed on my finger - and then my eye caught the most exquisite one - silver gold, with one single diamond perched in the middle. It must have had my name on, because as it slipped onto my finger, the fit was perfect..."This one" I whispered. Danie looked at me and smiled. As I took it off, the price tag inside fell off - "Oh my! No ... No ... not this one!" Danie looked puzzled - "It is far to expensive" I mumbled. Throwing his head back, he chuckled and told the shop assistant he would take it. I tried to argue, but he ignored me saying - "Nothing but the best for you Dia" Dia being the love name he had begun calling me.
Over lunch, he slipped the ring on my finger saying "I love you Dia, and I want to marry you" I was blown away, like a feather in a brisk breeze. I was ecstatic as the diamond brightly and proudly sparkled on my finger. Then reality hit home! What about our children, his and mine. I had never even met his girls, he had met mine twice. Excitedly, we snapped the ring on my hand with the cell phone, and sent the photo via mms to parents, children, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles. I am sure you can guess the reaction - most were as happy as punch ... except the kids!
Accepting Jesus as your Saviour is very much the same. He is also dead serious when he chooses His bride - you and me. He gave everything, even His life! He loves us unconditionally, He is kind, caring, understanding, does not demand, but gives us freedom of choice. Yet, when we accept Him, we may loose friends and family. We have to count the cost, and decide for ourselves, if we are willing to become His bride. I took the chance,- and have never looked back.