On 28th April this year, 2010, Danie and I will celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary! Goodness how time has passed. I have found that the older we get, the more time seems to fly. I remember so clearly, as a young girl how long a year was.
I love every moment of being a farmer's wife. It is so different and exciting to the business world I had become accustomed to. I look at my hands, and no longer are there long, red painted nails, with little butterflies or pictures on the tips! There just is no more time for that. My mind goes back to the first time Danie slaughtered a sheep for us for meat. I stood opposite him at a table, with the meat master machine between us. As he sliced the meat into sections, I was to pack into plastic bags and put them into the freezer. My nails, so immaculately kept, were sticking to the bags, I battled to get the them open, and I remember breaking out into a nervous sweat, as I heard Danie's voice saying "Come on, quick, quick you're getting behind me." Suddenly, this business woman, had to dirty her hands with the blood from the meat, stand the smell of it, handle it, and then later on have to cook it and eat it.
Well, four years down the line, I pack faster than what Danie can cut, I can hold down a dog when he needs to inject it. I can do a whole lot more that I could when I arrived, but have put my foot down when it comes to helping deliver a calf! Not after having seen the mess Danie is in, I have decided that is a no no for me. I also refuse to pull any ticks off the dogs. I ca

Funny how life takes us on paths we never imagined? Natasha Bochnig
ReplyDeleteDie perske in jou hand lyk so heeeerlikkk
ReplyDeleteL jy het gevra of ek 'n comment op jou blog kan doen, het gaan kyk en ja ek kon laat my weet of jy die comment op jou epos gekry het.... update dearie dit is so mooi om al jou mooi woorde raak te lees en sal graag ook soos jy wil leef. Mooi dag vir jou A3