Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Morning & Evening - the first day!

Being a born again child of God, having a strong faith in Him, believing in life after death and that those who die in Christ will be resurrected to eternal life, does not in the initial stage of shock and grief ease the pain. I believed all this and had lived it, but at that moment it was of no comfort to me. I wanted my daughter with me. I wanted to see her grow into full womanhood, be married, bear me grandchildren, be a mother and live a full life. Her adult life had just begun to open like a rosebud, and death had come like a knife and cut it off. How could my Heavenly Father have allowed this to happen? Why Karen? Why me? It was only much later that I learned, despite the pain, through all the agony and heartache,to ask the question "Why not Karen? Why not me?" The questions kept flowing, demanding answers, which Noel could not give me at that stage. "Where's Hennie?" Noel cautiously asked. "At home with Marcell" I answered with despair, realising that we still had to break the news to them. How do you tell your husband his youngest daughter had been killed in an accident? How was I going to tell Marcell that Karen had died? There are no easy ways or gentle words to use. Death is not easy and not gentle, it is a thief which steals away that which is precious in life. When we stopped in front of our flat Noel asked me if I wanted him to break the news to Hennie and Marcell. Instinct told me it was time to be strong, pull myself together and do what I had to do. I told Noel I would be alright but wanted him to come in with me. The walk from the car to our flat was the longest and hardest journey I have ever trod. My mind was just a mixed maze of thoughts that made no sense. Fear and horror at what had taken place gripped every fibre in my body, and the reality of it all kept hitting at me with force. On entering our flat I first found Marcell resting on the sitting room couch. He was surprised to see me home so early, but immediately noticed something was wrong. "Marcell..." I lifted my hands to my face, trying to control myself. He immediately jumped up from the couch "Auntie Lydia, what's wrong!" he asked with concern pulling my hands from my face. In that split second my whole being ached for him, knowing that what I had to say was going to be too much for him to be able to grasp. "It's Karen, she was in an accident, she's dead." I kept my eyes fixed on his face. "No! ... No!" he kept saying, eyes wild with terror and disbelief and gasping for air. I tried to put my arms around him but at first he wouldn't let me near him. After a few seconds he held onto me and Noel and I briefly told him what we knew. We cried, still not fully realising the finality of it all. "Where's uncle Hennie?" I asked, my voice shaking. "He's taking an afternoon nap in the bedroom" Marcell answered in a soft whisper. I felt so drained and extremely tired as I went to our bedroom to wake Hennie and tell him. As I looked down at him sleeping so peacefully, I thought this is so unfair. My mind went back to the time I also had to wake him up in the early hours of the morning to tell him his father had passed away. I was also the one to break the news to him of his mother's death, his sister and two brothers. He had already lost so many precious family members. And now the ultimate loss .... his child. I felt the tears well up. How could I tell him? How could I once again be the bearer of tragic news to this man I loved so much. I felt so alone and lost in those few moments and was frightened as to what his reaction would be. Gently touching his shoulder I called his pet name I always use "Spook" .... he grunted, sleepily opened his eyes and smiled questioningly at me. Had he overslept and forgotten to fetch me from work? Then he saw the look on my face. "Something terrible has happened" the words started to spill out. "Karen, ... she's had an accident, ... she's dead!" I will never forget the look on Hennie's face, contorted with horror, shock, fear and unbelief. I desperately needed now to be held by him and feel his strong arms around me, reassuring me it would be alright. Instead, he sat upright and pushed me as hard as he could away from him and in a hysterical voice shouted that it wasn't true and I was lying. Over and over he kept moaning, rocking to and fro with his head buried in his hands. "No! No! Please God, not my child." He wept, and I could feel the tension and anger mounting. Staring blankly in front of him he asked me what had happened. "They better never let me near the person who smashed into my child and killed her!" he said bitterly "because I won't be able to control myself!" After, what seemed like an eternity, we joined Noel and Marcell in the sitting room. It was 4.30pm and I could not believe that only an hour had passed since I was first given the tragic news, it seemed like a lifetime had passed. Our telephones had been down for more than two weeks, and I suddenly realised that my two other children and the rest of the family needed to be told. Not being able to phone, Noel said he would go to his house, tell my parents and then start to contact family and friends. My thoughts drifted to Natasha and Evonne. Fear gripped me just thinking of them travelling on the roads to get to us. What if something happened to them? They would try and get to Johannesburg as fast as they could and this worried me. Their concentration would not be good while travelling. Evonne and Gerrie only had a half hour trip from Pretoria, but Natasha and Martin had to come from Barberton and would be travelling at night. "Oh God," I prayed, "please be with them and bring them safely home." Evonne did not have a phone at home, but Noel would contact my younger brother Lenny and let them go over and tell her. Evonne was six months pregnant with her first child and I was concerned that the shock of Karen's death could have disastrous effects on her unborn baby. My heart cringed at the thought of our first grandchild on it's way. Karen had looked so forward to this baby and becoming a real aunt. She had already bought little odds and ends for the baby, and now .... she would never see it. "This cannot be happening" I kept thinking. "Maybe they've made a mistake ... maybe Karen took Tessa's car instead of her own little Charade. They often swapped cars. That must be it" I thought. "Someone will come soon and tell us it was Tessa in Karen's car." My thoughts were running wild, looking for any way to escape facing reality. "I'm going to leave now, Lyd" I heard Noel say. "Mom and Dad will be over soon. We'll come over later when I've contacted everyone." I vaguely remember thanking Noel as he left. Hennie, Marcell and I were now alone. Each one silent, wandering aimlessly around the flat, not knowing what to do or what to say. The afternoon sun was setting, dusk was falling - we had a long night ahead of us and I was so terribly afraid. The only sounds were muffled sobs as each one of us felt the loss of Karen sweeping over us.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Crushed to the Core

I vaguely remember trying to speak. My mouth was dry, my tongue felt thick and my breathing was shallow. Arms reached out as Noel and Colin supported me. We were standing in a large shopping mall just outside the restaurant. People were going about their every day duties and here I stood so totally alone amongst the crowds.

I wanted to scream at them – “How can you shop, how can you just walk around here? My child is dead, the world MUST stop, nothing will ever be the same again!” We made our way to the escalator ... curious stares were directed at me from passersby .... I was mumbling, eyes wide open and white as a sheet as I dragged my legs trying to carry this dead weight I felt hanging onto me. Strange though how wonderful the human mind is. Amidst all the confusion of those first few minutes your mind demandingly reminds you "what must be done".

"I don't even have money to bury her" I groaned. Both Noel and Colin said that was the least of my worries, they would assist me through the company. We finally reached Noels' car and they helped me in. This is not happening I kept on thinking. My heart was crying out in such agony "Karen, oh Karen. Please dear God, take this bitter cup from me, I cannot drink of this cup, I am too weak, I will not stand this test ... OH dear God help me!" I had severe difficulty in breathing and kept on gasping for air. Very gently Colin tried to reassure me ... "Lydia, we will be praying for you. Remember although we do not understand, put your trust in the Lord, He alone can help you." Someone answered "I know, I know". It must have been me, it sounded like my voice. Already extreme shock had set into my numb body.

All the way home Noel comfortingly held my hand and tried in his own way to let me know I was not alone.

Suddenly my mind was being flooded with questions. "What happened?" ..... "I don't have all the details yet, only that Karen was turning at a robot and was hit by an oncoming car" Noel answered.

"Was she badly hurt .... did she suffer?" ..... "I don't know."

"Where is Karen?" ..... "They've taken her to the Johannesburg morgue."

"What time did it happen?" ..... "At 1pm" Noel patiently answered. A quick glance at my watch told me it was 3.30pm. My mind was in a turmoil, I couldn't think straight and I was still struggling to breathe. My daughter had died two and a half hours ago and I had only just found out. I was devastated, crushed into millions of pieces and every fibre in my body cried out in anguish... "My baby, my precious child, my daughter, my youngest, my best friend ... gone, taken away forever. Oh God, this cup gets more bitter with every passing second, please let it pass, I have not the strength to lift it and drink".

Shocking News

At 1pm we set off for our Christmas lunch. I had a very heavy feeling hanging over me while everyone else in the office was in high spirits. I have never been a party person and feel lost in crowds. At the lunch table I neatly positioned myself with one of my colleagues whom I knew did not use alcohol. At least I would have someone to talk to while we waited for the food. By 2.30pm still no lunch had arrived and around the table drinks were flowing freely. Everyone was in a festive mood, the music was loud and the people even louder. I felt totally out of place and just wished for this day to end so that I could escape to the comfort and security of my own home. Some people will think me dull, but each to his own. I am who I am and I will not change my nature to suit others. Just as much as my friends have the right to party and enjoy themselves, so have I the right to do what makes me feel comfortable. Eventually lunch was ready and plates of food were brought to the table. I was just about to dig in when our Manager, Colin Walker, came over to me and asked if I had my handbag with me. I said yes and he asked me to go with him.

I thought he had some or other gift for someone that he wanted to sneak in, so I grabbed my bag and followed. At the door he turned to me and said "Lydia, we have had some very bad news, you must be strong ... Noel is waiting outside for you". I looked at Colin and saw the expression on his face. Terror gripped me, my mind started racing, and I felt my heart literally beating in my throat. "What is it!!??" hysteria rising in my voice. He gently took my arm and led me through the door where Noel, my brother in law, was waiting. In these few split seconds my mind was jumping all over ... something has happened to my husband Hennie, maybe its mom or dad. "Noel ... what is it ... what has happened?" The look on Noel's face portrayed such despair and when he opened his mouth to speak I heard the most cruel, crushing and devastating words as he reached out to put his arms around me. "Lyd, it's Karen ... she's been killed in a car accident."

SHOCK is not the word to describe what I felt. DISBELIEF is not the word. There are NO words that can ever reveal or even begin to explain that feeling, it defies every humanly possible description. I suddenly went ice cold, my body started to shake, I felt faint, my head was spinning and the whole world came crashing down upon me. I felt like a statue, a dead weight, as if I was dreaming. This cannot be! It's impossible! There must be some mistake! Someone else yes, but not Karen.

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